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CORE Education EdTalks

Minecraft in the Classroom
"Marianne Malmstrom talks about how she is bringing what students are doing in digital worlds outside of school into a classroom context, informing teacher practice and keeping classrooms relevant. Introducing Minecraft and a 24/7 server provided students a safe space to play, highlighted their digital agility, and showed the dissonance between teacher expectations of digital literacies and the realities of student skills and understandings. This dissonance provides an impetus for creating learning partnerships, where students can have some autonomy and agency over their learning."

December 2015

CORE Education EdTalks

Building innovative online learning spaces

"Marianne Malmstrom is a leader in the use of virtual environments, digital games and multimedia in education. A "cognitive architect" at The Elisabeth Morrow School, she draws on over 30 years experience as a classroom teacher and administrator to build innovative learning spaces for students. Marianne describes her journey, and calls for teachers to play games themselves and create spaces where students can play."

The Brainwaves Channel

The Cognitive Architect: Follow the Learning

Game Design with Playing Mondo

CORE ULearn15

CENZ Panel discussion: What will it mean to be educated in 2050?

Streamed live on Oct 9, 2015

Pam Hook, Barbara Cavanagh, Marianne Malmstrom and Russell Burt, moderated by Derek Wenmoth

NetFamilyNews: What Does "Safe" Really Look Like in a Digital Age?

  • Part 1 focuses on Professor John Seely Brown's white paper describing what kind of learning is needed today.

  • Part 2 gives examples of what that learning looks like in the classroom (focus our school :-).

  • Part 3 connects it all to safety.

Download Article

Game to Learn.pdf






LEGO Universe Closes

Read open letter to LEGO:

LEGO Universe v. Minecraft

Young kids from around the world
use social media to try and save
their beloved game
View documentation

EMS students respond
by organizing
Occupy LEGO Universe


Anne Collier - Online Safety 3.0: Rethinking Net Safety Together

Work of Note:

ISTE 2015 : Minecraft: Mine the Learning, Craft the Meaning
ISTE 2015: Minecraft: Learning Blocks 3.0
ISTE 2015: Creating Space for Student-Driven Learning
CORE Education EDtalks (NZ) 2014: "Building Innovative Online Learning Spaces"
TER Podcast (OZ) 2014: "Wanting to Win at School"
QSITE (OZ 2014): "Getting Playful"
Mac ICT (OZ) 2014: "Epic Learning"
Gaming in Education Keynote 2014: "Follow The Learning"
EdWeb "Escape To Morrow: Minecraft as a Game Design Engine for Students"
iNACOL"The Future of Educational Games and Virtual Worlds"
ISTE: "Minecraft: Learning Blocks!"
ISTE: "Epic Leadership: Beyond the Hype of Gamification"
NAIS: Speed Innovating: "Minecraft"
3DGameLab & G.A.M.E: "Playing it Safe"
NetFamilyNews: "Little Gamers"
VWBPE: Opening Keynote: "Epic Win! Epic Fail"machinima 1machinima 2
NAIS: "Teacher of the Future"
Born This Way Foundation

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