
Game Changers: Girls' eSports League
In 2020, girls from New Zealand and Australia were asked to design the perfect eSports League for girls. The girls were very clear that they wanted the following five things:
1. Make their own games (any platform)
2. Connect with other girls (and allies) who love to game
3. Play each other's games and give feedback
4. Vote on the best game designed for competition
5. Compete using that game
And... that's how
The Game Changers
Girls' (and allies) eSports League
got started!
We meet every Wednesday at 12:30 in Digi

Hi GameChangers,
We have two fine opportunities for design activity this term, both using Minecraft Education as the core design tool. You can join in one or both. Your students will be supported for both programs in the GameChanger Girls 2024 FLIP space. Don’t forget to send me your student names to register them in FLIP.
1. GameChanger Girls Esports Game Design
Last email update I reminded you of the schedule for GameChangers Esports Game Design. You could see it below if you missed it. In this competition your students design an esports game that the community will judge, and we might compete over later in the year.
Don't worry if you haven't made a start yet - there is time in the cycle to get a truly great game completed.
2024/1 Game Design Cycle
Open from April 1st
Teams review existing games and resources and
make begin to design their own.
First Game Design Cycle ends June 28th
Teams finalise games and create promotional videos
Share game downloads and videos in FLIP
Game Playtesting & Rating
June 28th – July 26th
Individuals (students and teachers) play, review and rate games
Tournament 2 Week
By August 19th – 30th
Teams compete over winning 2023/1 season game
2. Girls Who Game Design Challenge (DELL International program)
This is where students design a solution to a challenge facing society, based on a theme and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The first level 1 challenge for this year focuses on bringing together AI, smart cities, indigenous knowing and healthy communities.
The Challenge:
How can we, as young innovators, leverage the power of emerging technologies like AI to design a sustainable community that blends the vibrant energy of smart cities, the tranquility of healthy ecosystems, and the timeless wisdom of Indigenous ways of knowing?
Guiding Question:
How might you use Design Thinking to create a solution in Minecraft Education and share your final pitch in a video that is 5 minutes or less with the GWG community?
Intro Challenge PowerPoint (to show students)
Some Relevant Resources (mostly USA/Canada based)
Should you want to be part of this challenge you will need to REGISTER on the official Girls Who Game for Australia and New Zealand. I will receive notification of your registration so that I can support you.
Let's DO This!